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Writer's pictureEllen Jackson

Happy Fall!

I just realized that it has been several months since I last posted! Time has flown by so quickly it's unreal. Our current update is that we have been moving towards opening another home (our 13th) in this month of October! I know, I thought of that too! Oh well, it is ok because I am not superstitious.

The lady that I shared about in my last message was arrested and spent one month in jail. She was told to leave us alone or she would have more trouble. Not sure what happened to her after she got out, but I hope that she will get the help she needs and move forward.

We have four people on couches right now and I have been tempted to put more on floors, but that just would be problematic in the end, so I have not. Every day we get more and more calls from people needing help and housing. This winter is coming on quickly and we are uncertain as to how these folks without housing will do here in the snow.

Every month we have successes and some failures with our residents. It is not so much something that we do, but what they do to themselves. Entitlement runs deep with some people, and you would think that someone that has no place to live, other than on a sidewalk or behind a building or in their car that they would not expect so much!

In my next post I will share about a couple that we housed for a few months.

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